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Dragon Creative Media Ltd. specializes in digital marketing solutions such as touch or motion-detective games, eLuckyDraw, eAuction, eCatalog, Photobooth, eRegistration,

海景住它, 享受高級會所, 樓下超市, 近港鐵, 消閒交通購物方便

由英國老師教授,確保您的小朋友學習正確英國英語發音。針對幼兒的學習能力ability、需要needs和興趣interests,採用合適的教學方法(different approach)。免費試堂/評估,設計針對性及個人化的課程內容,包括Phonics, Early reading, Creative writing等。
教學進修 / 語言課程The English Academy (TeaHK)

British English Centre in Kowloon City. Over 10 successful years of teaching, including phonics, early reading, creative writing etc. Implementing different teaching approaches accordingly.
教學進修 / 語言課程The English Academy (TeaHK)

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全年任教, 專業可靠: 靈活時間, 可配合上學/上班的學生。靈活地點: 公共泳池/ 私人屋苑均可。 收費清晰, 價錢全部清楚列明, 無任何取巧之處。
運動及健身 / 水上運動私人游泳教練

新蒲崗食物製造廠牌頂讓 1200呎, 一半工場, 一半辦公室/貨倉 免頂手費, 租金$18,500 包生材工具及雪櫃等 詳情直接call/whatsapp 55477656*

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運動及健身 / 水上運動藍海游泳會 / Wong sir private swimming coaches(私人游泳教練)

Regus is the world’s largest provider of workplace solutions, offering the widest range of products and services that allow individuals and companies to work however, wherever, and whenever the

專補IB中文、英國 AS/A-level中文、IGCSE/ GCSE 普通話中文及美國SAT/AP中文考試。查詢請致電62120974。老師資歷:碩士學位,專業普通話教學法証書, 國家語委普通話水平測試一級証書,前大學講師及高級行政人員外語導師。
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